Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pakistani president returns from medical treatment

Pakistani president returns from medical treatment

KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) â€" A comparison supervision central says Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has returned home scarcely dual weeks after roving to Dubai for medical diagnosis that sparked rumors of his downfall.

Mansoor Wassan says Zardari landed during an atmosphere bottom in a southern city of Karachi early Monday. Wassan is a home apportion in Sindh province, where Karachi is a capital.

Zardari trafficked to Dubai on Dec. 6 for treatment, though officials never disclosed accurately what was wrong with a president. One associate pronounced secretly that Zardari suffered a "mini stroke."

The president's outing sparked conjecture that he was journey a nation underneath vigour from a army over a memo liaison that has already forced a Pakistani envoy to a U.S. to resign.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check behind shortly for serve information. AP's progressing story is below.

ISLAMABAD (AP) â€" More than 30,000 Islamists rallied opposite a U.S. in a Pakistani city of Lahore on Sunday, perfectionist Islamabad cut off ties with Washington following NATO airstrikes final month that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

The criticism highlighted a ability of hard-liners to move their supporters into a streets, as good as a durability annoy over a Nov. 26 attack, that has difficult U.S. efforts to enroll Pakistan's team-work on a Afghan war.

The U.S. has voiced a condolences for a NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers during dual army posts along a Afghan limit and has betrothed to lift out a full investigation. The response has finished small to ease annoy in Pakistan's military, that has claimed a conflict was deliberate.

"All agreements (with a U.S.) should be terminated," Hafiz Saeed, a conduct of a organisation that orderly a protest, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, told a crowd. "We contend all agreements consummated a day a conflict happened."

Jamaat-ud-Dawa is widely deliberate to be a front organisation for Lashkar-e-Taiba, a belligerent classification that was started with assistance from a Pakistani supervision to quarrel archenemy India, though has been strictly criminialized underneath general pressure.

Lashkar-e-Taiba is blamed for a 2008 attacks in Mumbai that killed 166 people. India has demanded Pakistan moment down on a group, though Islamabad has shown small eagerness to go after Lashkar-e-Taiba or Jamaat-ud-Dawa.

Protesters during Sunday's convene shouted, "A crony of a USA and India is a traitor."

Pakistan's purported toleration for Islamist belligerent groups has been one of a categorical sources of tragedy with a U.S. Washington has been generally undone with Islamabad's refusal to aim a Afghan Taliban and their allies and has even indicted a country's comprehension group of ancillary a groups.

Pakistan has also been jarred by conjecture over a destiny of President Asif Ali Zardari, who flew to Dubai on Dec. 6 to accept medical attention. Officials have not disclosed accurately what is wrong with a president, though one associate has pronounced secretly that Zardari suffered a "mini stroke" that has left no durability damage.

The president's outing sparked conjecture that he was journey a nation underneath vigour from a army over his purported tie to a tip memo sent to Washington in May, seeking a assistance in averting a ostensible troops manoeuvre following a American raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

Presidential orator Farhatullah Babar has denied a rumors and has pronounced that Zardari had zero to do with a memo, that was allegedly masterminded by Pakistan's former envoy to a U.S., Husain Haqqani. The ex-envoy has denied a claim though quiescent in a arise of a scandal.

Babar pronounced Sunday that Zardari would lapse to Pakistan "soon," though would not yield serve details.


Associated Press author Zarar Khan contributed to this report.

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