Social-games builder Zynga lifted $1 billion in a initial open offering on Friday, sourroundings a theatre for a blockbuster Facebook IPO in 2012. Zynga's is a biggest IPO given Google lifted $1.9 billion in 2004.
Zynga is a undisputed personality in online amicable games. The association has 232 million active users personification titles like CityVille, FarmVille, Empires & Allies and Mafia Wars. Zynga creates a games accessible on Facebook, Google+, MySpace, Yahoo, a iPad, iPhone and Android devices. Monies from an IPO could assistance a association enhance rapidly, though long-term success is not a given.
"Everyone understands a business model: income streams embody consumers shopping practical products -- ideal timing for holiday purchases of Facebook Gift Cards -- and also for brands to 'rent space' and build practical stores inside a gaming environment," pronounced Jake Wengroff, tellurian executive of Social Media during Frost & Sullivan. "But with a destiny ties to Facebook capricious and as Zynga struggles to build mobile gaming environments, it will be aggressively seeking additional income streams."
Does Zynga Need a B2B Strategy?
Wengroff is not astounded that Zynga strike a billion-dollar mark. The association was incubated in Facebook's shadow, and Facebook has been valued as high as $100 billion, he noted.
"At emanate is Facebook Credits, as good as Zynga's mobile strategy," Wengroff said. "Zynga could try a income event by providing gaming environments for B2B or veteran markets."
Specifically, Wengroff said, vast tech providers like IBM, Cisco, HP, or Alcatel-Lucent could emanate practical games for their online or mobile communities -- business devise competitions, handling your possess startup, being a try capitalist, and a like.
Wengroff also suggested that publishers could offer identical games for their audiences -- 'powered by Zynga' -- as another entrance for their possess advertisers to get in front of readers. Games could also be combined for companies as an HR/employee rendezvous apparatus -- collect a gift we should support, build a practical community, Habitat for Humanity style, and so on.
The Next Big Social IPO
Wengroff has also been closely examination a amicable media IPOs in 2011. Groupon reminded investors of a Internet heydays when it took a batch to a open markets on Nov. 4 with a gratefulness that was a top given Google. Groupon followed LinkedIn, that went open in May. A Facebook IPO will shroud all a rest by lifting as most as $10 billion when it goes open someday in a second entertain of 2012.
"While a social-media IPOs have dipped given their initial highs, we need these companies to go open for several reasons," Wengroff said. "They need new sources of capital. There is now some-more clarity and burden in
their operations. It is approaching that they will now broach some-more value. And amicable media will be some-more pervasive in consumers' and businesses' bland lives."
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