Monday, December 12, 2011

Analysis: Little appetite in Japan for major post-Olympus reform

Analysis: Little appetite in Japan for major post-Olympus reform

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is doubtful to make unconditional reforms to manners on corporate governance in a arise of a Olympus Corp accounting scandal, as there is a mostly antagonistic business run and a miss of domestic will to shave a wings of tip executives.

Olympus's $1.7 billion intrigue to censor dual decades of investment waste stands as one of Japan's misfortune accounting frauds and highlights long-standing critique of messy corporate governance, nonetheless analysts contend usually teenager remodel is likely.

They bring a antithesis of business, a supervision weighed down by a towering of voter-sensitive issues and a pided parliament, and an close-knit corporate enlightenment that creates some consternation if tough new manners would forestall another Olympus anyway.

"I consider Olympus does simulate many of a problems of corporate governance in Japan that people have been articulate about for years," pronounced Jamie Allen, secretary ubiquitous of a Hong Kong-based Asian Corporate Governance Association, whose members embody account managers with resources of some-more than $10 trillion globally.

"Whilst not each association competence be as bad as this, we positively don't consider Olympus is an removed box in terms of a altogether diseased corporate governance system."

Critics have prolonged called for some-more outward inspection of Japanese boards, traditionally dominated by executive directors, yet a boldest authorised remodel suggested given a Olympus liaison -- a smallest of one outside director -- would not go most serve than existent Tokyo Stock Exchange manners and would be weaker than standards in Britain and a United States.

But this would still be a step too distant for Japan's categorical business lobby, Keidanren.

"I do not consider there are any problems in terms of a (corporate governance) system," Yasuhisa Abe, executive of Keidanren's business infrastructure bureau, told Reuters recently. "The emanate is unequivocally about particular firms."

A Justice Ministry advisory row due final week that listed firms have during slightest one outmost director, a order that compares with an undisguised infancy of independent directors for New York-listed companies and a book of U.S. laws requiring that eccentric directors yield genuine scrutiny.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange already requires during slightest one outmost executive or auditor, yet an outmost auditor does not have a opinion on a board, tying a ability to plea a authority or arch executive on matters of plan and ethics.

But Keidanren believes a imperative outward executive would extent supervision leisure while not guaranteeing good governance, given Olympus had 3 outmost directors who still unsuccessful to mark a 13-year accounting fraud.

"We will pound it," Abe pronounced of a proposal.


Unlike in a United States a decade ago, when a array of vital scandals such as during Enron led to unconditional new corporate governance laws famous as a Sarbanes-Oxley reforms, a domestic ardour in Japan for radical change appears lukewarm.

This is notwithstanding a statute Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) carrying done improved corporate governance partial of a bulletin when it gained energy in 2009, finale some-more than half a century of roughly consecutive order by a business-friendly Liberal Democratic Party.

The DPJ has set adult a possess row to assistance figure process and skeleton to breeze an halt news on a subject by end-January, to coincide with a finish of a open criticism duration on revisions due by a cabinet advising a Justice Ministry.

But either a row will have most poke is an open question, with some in a celebration discreet about reforms.

"I don't consider it would be good to tie companies' hands and feet with tighter regulations," pronounced one comparison DPJ lawmaker.

Former Olympus arch executive Michael Woodford, an Englishman who blew a alarm on a company's indeterminate accounting after his sacking in October, skeleton to accommodate a DPJ taskforce in Tokyo this week to lend his weight to reform.

Woodford, who was dismissed by unanimous opinion of a house after he had lifted questions internally over a books, has been utterly outspoken about a need for honestly eccentric directors, and has advocated a U.S.-style complement for Olympus.

The U.S. complement of outward directors, that fell into shame during some vital accounting frauds during a dot-com bust a decade ago, was beefed adult almost in 2002 with a Sarbanes-Oxley reforms.

But Japan's supervision has other dire issues, including taxation and amicable confidence remodel in a pided council where antithesis parties can retard bills, and a clean-up from a harmful earthquake, tsunami and chief crisis.

Some teenager reform, though, seems inevitable, generally given Olympus is not a usually liaison tainting a Tokyo market.


The ex-chairman of hankie builder Daio Paper Corp was arrested final month on guess of regulating loans from organisation companies for gambling, and Kyushu Electric Co was held perplexing to manipulate open opinion about reactors.

Experts have also blamed a cover enlightenment for a disaster of Tokyo Electric Power Co, user of a tsunami-hit Fukushima chief energy plant, to take stairs that competence have prevented a world's misfortune chief predicament in 25 years.

The fibre of scandals coincides with an ongoing examination of Japan's Companies Act, instigated by a statute DPJ, and raises a luck that revisions will embody creation during slightest one outward executive mandatory, notwithstanding Keidanren's stance.

The antithesis Liberal Democratic Party has also set adult a taskforce to plead corporate governance reforms.

"There's utterly clever antithesis from Keidanren to requiring one outward director, yet that position has turn formidable to maintain," pronounced Nomura Securities researcher Kengo Nishimura. "They keep observant a peculiarity of corporate governance is good, yet that evidence is violation down."

Some experts doubt such a change would have any impact.

"The outward executive would have a vote, yet would still be one of 15. It's a invalid gesture," pronounced Nicholas Benes, deputy executive of a Board of Director Training Institute of Japan.

The Justice Ministry row has also due giving firms a choice of adopting a single-committee house system, in further to a dual existent options: a Western-style complement of categorical house and 3 committees, or Japan's some-more common "kansayaku" orthodox auditor system.

Under a "kansayaku" system, 3 or some-more auditors -- half of whom contingency be outsiders -- are inaugurated by shareholders and can attend house meetings and demonstrate opinions, yet not vote.

The new, third option, expected to be enclosed in a final breeze law to be presented to council subsequent year, is called a supervisory review cabinet style, and would offer fewer restrictions on supervision than a Western-style system, nonetheless a infancy of a cabinet contingency be outsiders.

Whatever new manners come out, corporate governance experts, unfamiliar investors and Woodford contend a sea-change in opinion is indispensable to rein in executive power.

"Changing manners on a possess isn't enough," pronounced Allen during a Asian Corporate Governance Association.

"You need to change a mindset, a attitudes, a culture."

(Editing by Mark Bendeich and Ian Geoghegan)

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