Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Iran says Obama should apologize for downed drone

Iran says Obama should apologize for downed drone

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Barack Obama should apologize for promulgation an unmanned view plane into Iranian domain rather than seeking for it behind after it was seized, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman pronounced on Tuesday.

Iran announced on Dec 4 it had downed a view craft in a eastern partial of a country, nearby Afghanistan. It has given shown a craft on radio and pronounced it is tighten to enormous a technological secrets.

On Monday, Obama told a news conference: "We have asked for it back. We'll see how a Iranians respond." Iranian officials had already pronounced they would not lapse a drone.

"It seems that (Obama) has lost that a atmosphere space was violated, a espionage operation conducted and international law trampled," Foreign Ministry orator Ramin Mehmanparast told a news conference.

"Instead of an central reparation for a corruption they have committed, he is lifting such a demand. America contingency know that a defilement of Iran's atmosphere space can discredit universe assent and security."

Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi told a central IRNA news agency: "The U.S. view worker is a skill of Islamic Republic of Iran. Tehran will confirm what it wants to do in this regard."


Parliament released a fortitude job a worker intrusion "evidence of general terrorism and a blatant defilement of general law by a invader America," and pronounced Iran competence find reparations from Washington.

Iran has already complained to a U.N. Security Council about a incursion, job for movement to "put an finish to these dangerous and wrong acts.

NATO's International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan primarily pronounced a craft might have been an unarmed U.S. reconnoitering worker that went blank during a goal over western Afghanistan.

But a chairman informed with a conditions has given told Reuters in Washington that a worker was on a notice goal over Iran.

The worker event is only a latest occurrence adding to tensions between Iran and a West that accuses a Islamic Republic of perplexing to rise chief weapons, a assign it denies.

Iran's law announced on Tuesday it had released indictments opposite 15 unclear people hold on guess of espionage for a United States and Israel, a central IRNA news group reported.

Iran pronounced in May it had arrested 30 people it pronounced were espionage for a United States. Spying in Iran can be punishable by death.

In response to tightened mercantile sanctions opposite Iran, radical youths stormed a British embassy in Tehran on Nov 29, causing London to remember all a staff and tighten a mission.

Republican presidential possibilities in a United States have upped tongue on a probable troops strike opposite Iran, something Israel says it might lift out as a final review to stop a Islamic Republic removing a bomb.

"It's improved that they don't use phrases like 'all options are on a table'," Mehmanparast said, referring to a batch word used by Israeli and U.S. leaders about a troops option.

"The word has been used so mostly it has turn tiresome," he added.

(Additional stating by Hossein Jaseb; Writing by Robin Pomeroy; Editing by Matthew Jones)

News referensi http://news.yahoo.com/iran-says-obama-apologize-downed-drone-123106356.html

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