Saturday, December 10, 2011

Al-Qaeda branch releases pictures of abducted Westerners

Al-Qaeda branch releases pictures of abducted Westerners

Al-Qaeda's north African wing on Friday expelled to a news organisation what it pronounced were twin photographs of 5 Westerners kidnapped in Mali final month.

Mauritanian news organisation ANI, that has in a past has carried statements from Al-Qaeda in a Islamic Magreb (AQIM), pronounced a organisation expelled a cinema to support a matter released a day progressing in that it claimed shortcoming for a abductions.

One print shows twin of a hostages, French nationals Serge Lazarevic and Philippe Verdon, with 3 armed group behind them, their faces vaporous by turbans.

The other shows a 3 others being hold -- a Briton, a Swede and a Dutch inhabitant -- surrounded by 4 armed men, their faces likewise masked.

On Thursday, AQIM sent a matter to ANI and AFP's Rabat office, accusing a twin French nationals of operative for a French comprehension service.

The kidnappings were "in response to steady charge in France opposite Muslims from Sahel countries," and "a legitimate greeting against" a European country's policies, a matter read.

"We will shortly make a final famous to France and Mali," it added.

Lazarevic and Verdon were seized during gunpoint from their hotel in a city of Hombori nearby a limit with Niger on Nov 24.

The subsequent day gunmen snatched a Swede, a Dutchman and a male with twin British-South African nationality from a grill on Timbuktu's executive square. They killed a German with them who attempted to resist.

In a statement, AQIM denied it had carried out an Oct abduction of 3 European assist workers -- twin Italians and a Spaniard snatched from a interloper stay in Tindouf in western Algeria.

"We repudiate all shortcoming in a kidnappings of a Europeans from a Tindouf camp," it said.

The recover of a warrant photos occurred shortly before a assembly in Nouakchott of 10 counterclaim ministers from around a Mediterranean -- Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania.

The concentration of a talks is a inundate of weapons into Sahel countries following a ouster and murdering of Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi.

The Sahel is a immeasurable dried swath opposite north Africa.

"All participants, informal and international, are invited to get concerned one approach or another in a conflict opposite steal that has no borders," a comparison Mauritanian central told AFP.

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