Friday, December 9, 2011

Bahrain: Police break up march on capital

Bahrain: Police break up march on capital

MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) â€" Witnesses contend Bahraini military have dismissed rip gas to sunder hundreds of anti-government protesters marching toward a former focal indicate of a Gulf kingdom's overthrow in a collateral Manama.

The witnesses contend that demonstrators had fabricated on Friday in a encampment of Musalla outward Manama to symbol a holy days of Ashoura.

The marchers were perplexing to strech a city's Pearl Square intersection when they were stopped by police.

The block was a core of widespread Shiite-led protests that began in Feb opposite Bahrain's Sunni rulers. The intersection has given been placed underneath complicated guard.

No injuries were reported, yet some protesters seemed to have fainted and were being carried pided by other demonstrators.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check behind shortly for serve information. AP's progressing story is below.

MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) â€" Bahrain has systematic a open prosecutor to examine allegations that anti-government activists were killed or mistreated by a military during widespread disturbance progressing this year.

The sequence from a interior minister, Lt. Gen. Sheik Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, was announced by Bahrain's Information Affairs Authority late Thursday.

It covers "all cases associated to deaths, woe and inhumane diagnosis implicating police."

The pierce follows a recommendations done final month by a special elect that probed claims of human rights abuses during a country's 10-month-old uprising, in that during slightest 35 people including confidence force members were killed.

The elect was certified by Bahrain's Sunni rulers in a bid to palliate tensions with a country's infancy Shiites, a singular instance of an Arab regime subjecting itself to a oppressive open reckoning.

It released a 500-page news documenting torture, a use of extreme force, and fast-track trials, as authorities attempted to stamp out a largest of this year's Arab Spring uprisings to strike a Gulf.

Opposition activists during a time pronounced those obliged for a abuses indispensable to be brought to justice.

The Interior Ministry pronounced it was also following another of a report's recommendations by installing cameras to record interrogations. The news pronounced that detainees had been subjected to abuse.

The method pronounced it sealed an agreement with a International Committee of a Red Cross to rise improved policing practices.

"The (ministry) sought out a imagination of a Red Cross in propinquity to apprehension procedures and diagnosis of inmates while preserving tellurian rights," it said.

Bahrain on Thursday halted hearing record for over 100 athletes and forsaken all charges associated to their appearance in travel protests.

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