Friday, December 9, 2011

Young Teen Fearful Of Future Has Lots Of Time On Her Side

Young Teen Fearful Of Future Has Lots Of Time On Her Side

DEAR ABBY: I'm 14 and I'm shocked that we won't know what to do once I'm in college and have to confirm on a long-term job. we have a lot of interests, though nothing that would lead me toward a career. My teachers and a books we review contend we should find my passion and follow it for a rest of my life. My problem is, we don't have a stand-out passion we adore intensely.

I have an extraordinary family who would support me in any instruction we choose, though we don't know what that would be. we get good grades and work hard, and we trust we could grasp anything we choose. The problem is, we don't know what we wish to do.

I know I'm young, though we worry all a time about my destiny and being stranded in a pursuit we hate. I'm concerned in lots of activities -- tyro government, piano lessons, sports, use clubs and some-more -- and we suffer all of them. But nothing of them enthuse a blazing passion. Do we have any suggestions on how to find my passion? -- NEEDS A DIRECTION, ATLANTA

DEAR NEEDS A DIRECTION: Yes. And a initial one is to relax and quit worrying about not carrying found your "passion" during 14. This isn't a Middle Ages, when immature people would neophyte themselves to a guild in that they would spend a rest of their lives. You are intelligent and customarily commencement to try your several talents.

You might surpass in several opposite areas, that is good, since workers no longer indispensably stay in one kind of pursuit for a lifetime. People are customarily good during a things they enjoy, so slow down. Give yourself time to see where we excel. we am certain that if we do, you'll find your passion(s) in a margin we enjoy.

DEAR ABBY: we have been with my father for some-more than 10 years. It has been hilly over a past few years, and we recently had an event with a married man. we have depressed madly in adore with him, and any night we dream about being with him instead of with my husband. We're both in unfortunate marriages and both have children.

He's disturbed that if he gets porced he won't be means to see his kids as mostly as he wants. Should we forget him and try to tumble behind in adore with my husband?

Everyone we speak to about this says my partner has been what we indispensable to commend that we wasn't happy in my matrimony and that we merit better. we know we merit improved since we worshipped a belligerent my father walked on for many years and got treated like crud. What do we do? -- DOWNTRODDEN WIFE IN OKLAHOMA.

DEAR DOWNTRODDEN: Since you're collecting advice, we don't mind throwing in my two-cents' worth.

Your partner doesn't seem fervent to leave his family, so do a best thing for both of we and finish a affair. As to either we should try to tumble behind in adore with a male who "treated we like crud," infrequently porce can be therapeutic. And from a outline we gave me of your marriage, we could advantage from seeking one and irreverence off organisation for a while.

DEAR ABBY: Four years ago my best friend's mom mislaid her father after a conflict with cancer. She assimilated a grief support organisation and met a male who had mislaid his mom to cancer, too. Love blossomed and they will be married soon. Everyone is anxious they have found any other.

Along with a marriage gift, would it be suitable to make a concession to a cancer gift in memory of their defunct spouses? we would like to respect a onslaught that led a integrate to any other, though don't wish to offend. What do we think? -- DEVOTED FRIEND IN KENTUCKY

DEAR DEVOTED FRIEND: we consider we have come adult with a pleasing thought that will be deeply appreciated, and we should do it.

Dear Abby is created by Abigail Van Buren, also famous as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby during or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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